made by Leelou made by Leelou made by Leelou made by Leelou

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Day Blog Jitters!

Hi Everyone! :)
Welcome to my blog!  I am so excited that you stopped by.  I have so many wonderful ideas and activities to share and I hope that you find them useful.  I am still learning to navigate my way through this blog, but hopefully I will figure it out soon so I can begin adding helpful material that all of you can use.  In the meantime though, bare with me while I get the site up and running! I am so thankful to have encountered and (if you haven't been on either of these two amazing sites take a moment and check them out, you will not be disappointed), if I hadn't come across those two blogspots I would have never started blogging! I hope to meet all of you and I look forward to sharing my ideas with all of you and learning from your experiences.  Although I was a Pre-K 4 teacher for about 6 years I am currently in the last part of my bachelor's degree (in Elementary Education) and look forward to beginning my internship... THAT should be an interesting experience, to say the least! I promise to blog about it too but in the meantime I hope to share with you some of the tips that I have learned, ideas and activities that I have created and some of the amazing children's books and teacher resource books that I have come across.  To some, everything will seem new and to the seasoned teachers it may just be things that you can relate to.  Either way, I can't wait to hear from all of you and I hope to pass on the teaching bug!

Happy Teaching!


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