Oh.my.word! This summer has been completely on a hiatus as i have had to handle various personal family issues... But, as the adage says "the show must go on!" So whether I am prepared for it or not, back-to-school officially starts for me tomorrow{insert gasp here!}. It was definitely not my intention to go M.I.A this summer but hopefully things will slow down enough for me to give y'all some much-needed attention. Last we spoke, I was filling you in on the fact that I had been moved from 2nd to 5th grade and that my school had not chosen a theme... Well, the theme has officially been set and it is "around the world in 180 days" but LONG before i received the news I had already begun planning for it (call it teachers intuition) but i changed it a little. I am a HUGE Despicable Me fan and since I will be teaching 5th this year I couldn't imagine decorating with all those 'around the world kiddies' they sell at the teacher supply stores so i came up with my own sub-theme "Taking
around over the world in 180 days" and this is what I have done so far when I went in last week...
Before pictures:
That's it for now. Sorry if the pictures aren't that great... I will take more tomorrow (the Mr. took these) and I can see that he missed a lot so when I go back to work tomorrow I will take more and add the captions underneath each to explain them.
Until then...
Have a great time back-to-school prepping!