Thursday, July 5, 2012

Whisper-ma-Phone Tutorial

Hi Friends,

Hope y'all had an amazing time on the 4th of July... we had a HUGE downpour {picture cats and dogs falling from the sky} but thankfully it cleared up in time for the fireworks.  Today I began my next Pinterest summer classroom project... I'm calling the Whisper-ma-Phones (from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss).  I've seen these puppies all over pinterest and decided to make them for my classroom to help my students during "Read to Self" for the Daily 5.  I compiled a picture tutorial for all of you to follow and as soon as I glue these bad boys together and paint them I will post the finished project... but for now, I didn't want to keep y'all waiting in case you wanted to head to Home Depot or Lowe's to begin your own Whisper-ma-Phone project.

 The Whisper-ma-Phone Project

Materials Needed (Makes 25 phones):
* One PVC pipe 3/4" diameter by 10ft. (its the LONG ones that aren't cut yet)
* 3/4" (90 degree) PVC Elbows (5 packs of 10)
*PVC Cement
*Ratcheting PVC Cutter (only if your store does not cut the PVC into 4 1/2" pieces for you)
*Spray Paint (any color)


1. Purchase all materials (minus the PVC cutter if a store associate can cut the PVC pipe for you).
(Diet Coke from Wendy's not included! Ha!)
 2.  Skip this step if the PVC pipe pieces were pre-cut for you at the hardware store.  If not, take the LONG PVC pipe and use a measuring tape and a sharpie to make lines all-the-way-down the pipe every 4 1/2".  Then, carefully, have a  male relative (I believe that women can DO anything, including this... but it does take a lot of upper-body strength to make the cuts using the cutter) make the cuts where your sharpie markings are. 

*My amazingly, wonderful husband cut mine... thanks baby!!!*

3.  Once all of the pieces are ready you can begin gluing.  Shake the PVC Cement bottle before opening.  Then, using the little foam brush that is inside of the PVC cement bottle, add glue to the inside holes of the 3/4" Elbows do one end at-a-time and then attach to the pipe.  Make sure that you apply pressure so that it gets pushed all the way into the pipe.  Lastly, let it dry  for 2 hours to be certain that it is adhered properly.

4.  After 2 hours, lay a cardboard box or posterboard on the ground and begin painting {be sure to shake the spray paint bottle well before spraying).  Note: The reason I say to use something that is cardboard or posterboard is because the spray paint can make the newspaper stick to the phone as it lays there drying and it will look horrible.

I will edit this post tomorrow to include the finished Whisper-ma-Phone and a FREEBIE that you can use with your phones.

Happy D-I-Y-ing, Y'all!

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