Saturday, July 7, 2012

Keep Your Eyes Peeled...

I am so excited to announce that I will be hosting my very FIRST giveway to mark the beginning of Back-to-School shopping for teacher's AND my very FIRST year teaching! I found this amazing product, which I am sure that you are going to love every.single.bit as much as I do... and the best part is that the company is still coming up with more and more of this product because they are collectible!!! LOVE  it!!! Have I got your attention yet... are you curious to know what it is??? Well, tune in on Monday where I will post the amazing giveaway and explain how I will be using it in MY classroom.

Here are a couple of hints to help you guess the mystery giveaway item:
* They smell good enough to eat!
* Great incentive for getting students to "do their very best" on their work {Gotta LOVE that! Ha!}
* They are super-dooper-ooper-shmooper cutie patootie!
* And, they come in collectible sets so the fun never ends (I've got my eyes peeled for them whenever I go  shopping so I can get all of the sets!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Hmm you definitely have my curiosity piqued!! I'm excited to see what it is on Monday! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure
