Saturday, July 21, 2012

I finally finished and a Freebie!

Hi Friends,

I'm happy to say that I finally finished reading, The Daily 5.  What a fabulous book! I have a lot of ideas to share regarding the Daily 5...but I thought I would start by sharing some signs to go along with the five components of the Daily 5.  So, if you're interested... you can snag the freebie below! I tried to make the set match with my classroom color scheme, hence the aqua and pink background.  I also thought of a nifty name for it to tie it in with the Superhero theme that is invading my classroom... it is called, "Daily Action"! 

I am currently reading The CAFE Book and I hope to start getting some things ready for my classroom with that! I will also be creating some worksheets that you can stick in your lesson plan binder that will help you to incorporate both The Daily 5 and The Cafe Book together in the first days of school because I don't know about you, but I don't want to be lugging around BOTH books and flipping pages at school so I'll be making some cheat-sheets if you will... so be on the lookout for that!

In the meantime, here's a sample of the Daily Action, which you can snag by clicking on the Action! or you can click on the frog pennant at the top of the page to hop on over to my TpT store.

Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!


  1. It looks AWESOME! When I get on my computer I am so totally downloading it!

    There's No Place Like Second Grade

  2. Sarah,

    I'm so glad you like it! :) I'm trying really hard to make cute stuff that is up-to-par with some of the other amazing teacher-bloggers out there, yourself included! Ha! :)
