Friday, February 17, 2012

I've Taken Over!!!

Hi Everyone,

I know I've been MIA for the last couple of weeks but Internship has really taken everything out of me! I've been having such a fabulous time with my second grade sweeties and working hard with my lessons and activities to keep them excited and engaged that I have, in all honesty, been too busy to log on here and post.  I know I keep promising that I am going to log on here more often but ever since I "Took Over" all of the subjects... I've been pretty busy to say the least, so this time I will not make promises that I can't keep.  Instead I'll just say that I HOPE {with a cherry on top!} that I have more time in the coming weeks to stop by and let y'all know how everything is going in my Second Grade World! Until then, you can check out the Super Cute spur-of-the-moment Anchor chart that I made to go along with our nonfiction Reading Textbook story of the week: Ants!

As always,

Happy Teaching!

We filled this out in class, using the information from the text, to learn about the different kinds of ants featured in our Reading series.

1 comment:

  1. We read the same HM story this week. The kids made paper mache diagrams of an ant. FUN Stuff!
