Sunday, August 7, 2011


For those of you that have not already heard about this marvelous site... here's the low-down and how it works:
Pinterest is a website where you basically "pin" (like you would on a corkboard) ideas that you find interesting or things that you would like to remember while you're on different sites.  For example, as a teacher, you may surf the internet often and come across oodles and oodles of ideas and then as time goes on you either can't remember where you found the idea or what the idea was because our brains are chalk-full of things as it is! So, when you become a member of Pinterest, you basically add a button under your address bar and whenever you go on ANY website you can pin ANY picture that you like and then you can write a description with any notes you like so that you can remember it.  And, if that is not enough you also create files (known as "boards" on pinterest) so that you can categorize all of your images to make it easier to find when you need it... it will all make sense once you see it, so if you're interested then go check mine out... I promise you, you will not regret it.  I only wish I had found this sooner, it sure would have saved a lot of trees since I tend to jot down everything that I find on teacher websites that I absolutely LOVE! Click the link below...

The Teaching Bug Pinterest

P.S. If you're on Pinterest and have gazillions of teacher boards on yours then leave me your link so that I can explore what you've come across!!! :) Or, if you'd just like to comment about how A.MA.ZING Pinterest is, that is also welcome!

As always, Happy Blogging! :)

1 comment:

  1. Here is my link if you want to check it out!!
