Sunday, April 10, 2011

Busy as a Bee

Wow! How time flies... literally! It's been awhile since my last post (sorry about that) but I have been very busy and diligently working on getting ready to complete my LAST semester for my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education before Internship.  I can't tell you just how many kinds of excited I am about FINALLY reaching the last stretch and realizing that the finish line is in my line of sight now.  I am already looking at University programs to see what area I want to do my Master's degree in.  With all of the changes taking place currently in our education system and in the state of Florida, this is proving to be a very difficult decision.  Does anyone have any ideas as far as Master's degrees, I'd love to hear what y'all have to say.  I am truly overwhelmed...but also extremely excited!


  1. I really wanted to get my masters in reading but I had to look at time and money so I'm working on getting my masters in education with a TSOL concentration.

  2. Hi Lorena! Thank you so much for your input... actually that is EXACTLY what I am contemplating! I would LOVE to get my Masters in Reading or Curriculum and Instruction but... TESOL is where the critical shortage is and so I am able to get "forgiveness" on some percentage of whatever loans I may need to get for the Masters program and in addition to that, it makes it easier for me to get hired with TESOL versus ANYTHING else at the moment. At least that is what my academic adviser at the University told me. Are you a teacher in the state of Florida?

    Thanks for your input and good luck! :)

  3. Wow I love the blogspot in here and is really a teacher is busy like a bee? Like the TIME for MONKEYING. Quiet good for a blog! Keep it up!

